What Ranks High with Luxury Homebuyers

RIS Media  |   September 11, 2013

Luxury home owners and buyers place a high value on real estate, according to a new survey conducted by Better Homes and Gardens of 500 luxury home buyers.

In fact, the survey finds that 75 percent of luxury home buyers believe home ownership is a sounder investment than the stock market. What’s more, 57 percent of luxury home owners say home ownership is a bigger indicator of success than their job or title.

“The luxury consumer is considered a trendsetter in most industries, and to see the strong connection this consumer has with ‘home’ is very significant as we look at the real estate market as a whole,” says Sherry Chris, president and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. “The luxury home buyer has high standards and invests the money, the time, and the commitment to making their home fit their needs and reflect who they are. It’s remarkable that they do this so well that nearly all -- 93 percent -- believe their house is the best one on their block.” 

The survey revealed some of the following insights into the luxury home buyer and owner: 

Source: RIS Media